Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sequins in Sunlight

After we've all been thoroughly bombarded with the Tory Birch (et al.) sequined shifts that are now ubiquitous at parties, sequins' new role in a daytime setting, as has been popping up in various streetstyle blogs and editorials, is thoroughly refreshing. And why not? Although I don't advocate wearing a sequined dress to work or class, a single sequined piece in a relaxed silhouette (such as a jacket or cardigan) possesses an enviably louche glam-rock vibe that could easily be made daywear appropriate. The key, it seems, is to either downplay the glitz with muted basics in order to prevent any Dynasty or Showgirls connotations, as seen above, or to embrace the fabrics' inherent gaudiness and pile on irreverent pieces, as shown below.

I admit it- I'm definately craving a sequined jacket in all its lurid glory. So why are they so difficult to find?

Photos from Garance Dore (1) and Vogue UK (2,3)

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